Who We Serve

CCS Health™ is a Social Good Company That Exists To Assist Communities in Health Transformation.

CCS Health has partnered with diverse organizations and agencies across the country to enhance systems and processes that improve data-informed decision-making and patient care to positively impact health outcomes in the communities they serve. We work with individual providers, hospitals, health systems, and other health care and social service organizations to provide human-centered, data-driven, and evidence-based interventions and software that support our clients.

Building better health, one community at a time.®

Learn more about the range of health-care collaboratives and organizations we partner with and how our solutions uniquely help them meet the needs of patients.

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Community HUBs.


CCS Health has partnered with diverse organizations and agencies across the country to enhance systems and processes that improve data-informed decision-making and patient care to positively impact health outcomes in the communities they serve. We work with individual providers, hospitals, health systems, and other health care and social service organizations to provide human-centered, data-driven, and evidence-based interventions and software that support our clients.

Learn more about the range of health-care collaboratives and organizations we partner with and how our solutions uniquely help them meet the needs of patients.

Aging Networks.

Area Agency on Aging (AAA) and Title VI organizations that support older adults – by coordinating health and human services to ensure they can thrive in independent-living situations – need to be able to track and measure data that quantifies the value of their impact and create records that can be used for invoicing or continued care, where needed. Learn how we pair technology and coaching to elevate care for aging patients.

Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs).

FQHCs navigate complex compliance and board requirements, frequent changes to payment and incentivized care models, and non-clinical barriers to services while expanding health-care access and improving health outcomes for the community. Implementing new teams, processes, and tools to document, deliver, and track the effectiveness of community health and wellness beyond the clinic walls requires nimble, patient-oriented solutions - we have those. Learn how our approach strengthens accountability-metric reporting and patient outcomes, as well as provides another revenue stream.

Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs).

ACOs strive to provide patients the right care at the right time in the right setting, while reducing redundancies, cost of services, and medical errors. To benefit from the cost savings they deliver, ACOs must be able to track, measure, and demonstrate impact to their patient populations. Explore how we can integrate community health workers and our purpose-built systems to help address social determinants of health, shift patient-health trajectories, and manage expenses
CCS Health makes it simple to scale up and scale down to meet the needs of all types of organizations — from groups yet to secure their first contract to agencies managing multiple organizations.